About mah!

Miau there, mah Tuxy the cat.
I has moved from Kalifornia to da Oregon Coast and I has now a couple of kool people living wif mah. We live in a littel house wif a sweet yard. I has a greatz Life, I gotz to do whazever I wantz. Dey take mah even on travel trips! Itz good to has frenz.
Mah-o-mah, daz feelz laik evuryday itz caturday!

April 16, 2010

April 12, 2010

Taxes ...

Done doing taxes! Ma tired now ...

April 6, 2010

Camping soon?

Hmmm, the traileris out. Mabe going camping soon?

Ma better get ready!

April 2, 2010

NudyMan ma Friend

Daz ma happy place, on top of the fridge together with NudyMan