About mah!

Miau there, mah Tuxy the cat.
I has moved from Kalifornia to da Oregon Coast and I has now a couple of kool people living wif mah. We live in a littel house wif a sweet yard. I has a greatz Life, I gotz to do whazever I wantz. Dey take mah even on travel trips! Itz good to has frenz.
Mah-o-mah, daz feelz laik evuryday itz caturday!

September 15, 2008

No way down?

Diz no fun. Who gotz mah up here? I wuntz down NOW!

Working, working ...

Ma at work. Me looks kuul eh!

September 14, 2008

Camping in the mountains

Ma luvs to roll in da dirt! I wants now in and ...

take a nap ...

August 26, 2008


Where's da key? I wanz to work!


I luvz construction. Diz is gonna be the wood shed with lots of hunting for ma - rats are ma favorite game. I likes the young ones.

June 27, 2008


Daz ma Kamper. Looks cool eh?

Ma in da cabinet.

How do I look?

June 12, 2008

F I R E ! !

I did it!!!!!! Wow, BIG fire in da Tipi.

And now?

May 28, 2008

I luvz to climb

I climbz and jumbz again. Kuul, eh?

May 16, 2008

Not a happy day

Ma not happy. I climbz a Tree then I fallz into da Pond!

May 7, 2008

on da tree

I climz again - diz is a good place to be!

February 22, 2008

mah Blondie

Ok Blondie,
yu goz my stick, I climbz your tree and yu callz ma dog. Now then lets have some fun togehter!

January 22, 2008

I see Joe-Sepp

Oooohhh, I seez Joe-Sepp mah frenz ovar there!
Nah Joe-Sepp, yu can has dat fish.

What fish?

Daz mah frend Joe-Sepp the Fisher ...

January 21, 2008


Whatz? Yu has cookies for mah?


no cookies for mah - I has a sad ...

January 20, 2008

Looong Friend Joe-Sepp

you walks like this all the time?

January 18, 2008

b u r n i n g ! ! ! !

- ha, I has trikkt yu! Mah no burnink

January 17, 2008

What's up?

or laik Wolfi sayz: "How do I look?" U R lookin good Wolfi - wanna peer?

January 16, 2008

... napping ...

Ooooohh, I luvz thaz feelz ov relaxt. I has workt so hard now I wantz mah rest ...

I ain't no girl!

WTF - thaz no fun! I has to put up wif a lot - ALOT!

January 15, 2008

I love camping!

Itz so cozy here. Wanna come too? I has room ...

doing the dishes ...

Once mah frenz are gone I doze dishes.


Whaz? Thaz mah in da boat!


Evuryone look! Daz a trikk

crossing a river

Yu kuul, mah kuuler!I has dos it!!

Long Neck

Daz a Sepp Pfiffner skulpzure. He calz diz LongNeck, mah calz it ButtHead!

Cookie my girlfriend

Diz is mah girlfriend Cookie wif littel deer.

January 14, 2008

Rock Creek

Daz no bonar, iz mah tail

Cat in the bag

Hey, daz no nice! I has no hungry, just look-in ...

on the watch

Gotza check all the timez and keeps tse RiffRaff out! Dontz wanna no intruders here

on the roof

Ohhh, I has good viu here - mah can see tse River!